Rayne Louisiana- Frog Capital of the World. (they export frog legs!!)
Yes, I said Frog Festival.
Rayne is about an hour and 15 minutes west of Baton Rouge, and Ginger and I ventured over Saturday morning to see the Frog Derby Queen Competition-- not the Frog Festival Queen, or the Rayne Queen or the Oil and Natural Gas Queen, or the Logging Queen.....
First the Girls, Dressed as Jockeys (?), dress their Frogs up in Costume.
and YES, they are real Frogs!!
Then they have a frog jumping contest- whose frog can jump the farthest (without the costumes..)
Then they have a frog jumping contest- whose frog can jump the farthest (without the costumes..)
Then a winner is Chosen as The Frog Derby QUEEN!!
And all the other queens from the other festivals are there..
And all the other queens from the other festivals are there..
Talk about some CROWNS!!
I even ate some Frog legs-- sort of like chicken!!
All in all, an interesting day in Rayne!!
what's so special about zis?
in the homeland, every village holds this type of contest once a year. On July 8th, the birthday of LaFontaine who famously wrote about frogs in his Fables.
Really : the louisianians (?) are as normal as the French!
Well, they were a french colony so I guess some things "stuck"!!
including the eating of frogs.
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