Friday, November 28, 2008

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2008

Here I am at the parade... What's the name of it again?? : )

Here I am with some of the "Camp Broadway" kids.

The BOLT float

Kids on the "Bolt" Float

An oldie but a goodie

New Balloon, Horton.

Christmas Elf Balloons.

The Big moment, Singing and Dancing in front of the Store!

Kermit on the Float

Kids and Kermit on the Float

"Sleigh bells ringing, Children Singing"

Happy Thanksgiving Santa!!

Camp Broadway kids dancing in front of Macy's

Monday, November 24, 2008

AHHHHH Times Square

I guess, officially, I was standing in Duffy Square....

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rayne Louisiana FROG FESTIVAL!!

Rayne Louisiana- Frog Capital of the World. (they export frog legs!!)

Yes, I said Frog Festival.

Rayne is about an hour and 15 minutes west of Baton Rouge, and Ginger and I ventured over Saturday morning to see the Frog Derby Queen Competition-- not the Frog Festival Queen, or the Rayne Queen or the Oil and Natural Gas Queen, or the Logging Queen.....

First the Girls, Dressed as Jockeys (?), dress their Frogs up in Costume.
and YES, they are real Frogs!!

Then they have a frog jumping contest- whose frog can jump the farthest (without the costumes..)

Then a winner is Chosen as The Frog Derby QUEEN!!

And all the other queens from the other festivals are there..

Talk about some CROWNS!!

I even ate some Frog legs-- sort of like chicken!!

All in all, an interesting day in Rayne!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

LSU vs. Tulane

So I experienced the football culture here on Saturday.

We started at 1 p.m. with a Department Tailgate out side our Theatre, The Swine Palace. (the game didn't start until 7 p.m. and most people start even earlier than we did!!)

It seems to me that Tailgating basically means that you get to the game insanely early; eat and drink as much as you can.

For some people it also means bringing lots of equiptment! I saw a frozen drink machine, lots of satelite dishes and big Screen tv's. But this one with 3 tv's took the cake.

At 5 p.m. everyone lines up to see the band march down to the stadium.

First we saw the women's basketball team walk down throwing out basketballs.

Here is the Drum Major and "Golden Girls"

The Clarinets-- my favorite

We were seated nearly at the top!! My friend Lisa is scared of heights but she was a trooper!

PreGame with the band-- 350 people strong!!

The Cheerleaders!


Halftime--first the national Guard of LA who served in Iraq and Afganastan.

Then the Tulane Band which was really small and we couldn't hear-- then...

The Golden Band from Tiger Land!!
Football really exists so the band has a place to play!

We won !!

So 10 hours later-- we were home!! What a day!

And That is how you "DO" Football at LSU!


Halloween costumes

here are the costumes I made for Madeleine, Felix and Collette Joubert in Montreal.