Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lutcher Bonfire Festival

Last night we went to the Lutcher Bonfire Festival.
It is a precursor to the Bonfires that they light on the levees on Christmas Eve to light the way for PAPA NOEL.
There is the Gumbo "Cook off"

Here is the "Sampler" that Lisa and I had


John and Mary-Tyler eating Seafood Gumbo.

What is a Festival in Louisiana without a QUEEN-- and a CROWN!!

They Light one Bonfire (practice for the 24th I guess)

I wish I could see all 15 miles of Levee lit with Bonfires on Christmas Eve...

maybe next year!!

Snow in Baton Rouge!!

Yes, it is true-- it SNOWED in Baton Rouge. The first time since 1988!!

It has been CRAZY weather. First it was 75 and humid, 2 days later we had 2 inches of snow and now it is supposed to be in the 60's again!!

The Students built Snowmen everywhere.. here is on on campus.
For many of them, it was the first time they saw snow-- ever!!
Snow and Palm Trees ARE funny!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas lights in Lafayette

So on Saturday some of my fellow professors and their significant others and I went to Lafayette- about and hour away to see the lights at the "Acadian village"

These are the only aligators I like- the light up kind.

The Crawfish are dancing because it isn't Crawfish season!! --yet!

The REAL Highlight of the night was the ALL- you- can -EAT Seafood restaurant we found.

Left to right- Lisa, Mary-Tyler, John, Steven, EJ. (I'm taking the pic)

It IS Crab Season-- mm mm good!!

EJ and Steven discussing the finer points of crab disection.